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Andy Marine Once Again Completes The Loading and Shipping of Complex Ship Supplies


With the increasingly vigorous development of the global transportation industry and the energy industry, the demand for ship materials is also growing. Andy Marine is also riding this wave and continues to expand its contribution to ship supplies.

This week, Andy Marine once again completed the shipment of an engineering project order in North America. Despite the large volumes of irregularly shaped products involved in the project, the Andy Marine team was able to complete the production and shipping tasks with great success, maximizing the use of shipping space and reducing transportation costs for the customer.

When loading containers, we should pay attention to the following aspects to promote transportation safety:

1, In any case, when the goods are loaded, the weight of the goods in the box shall not exceed the maximum loading capacity of the container, that is, the total amount of containers minus the weight of the container. Under normal circumstances, the total weight and dead weight will be marked on the door of the container.

2, The unit weight of each container is certain, so when loading the same kind of goods in the box, as long as you know the density of goods, you can determine whether it is heavy or light goods. Cheng Qiwei said that if the density of the goods is greater than the unit weight of the box, it is heavy goods, and on the contrary, it is light goods. A timely and clear distinction between these two different situations is important to improve the efficiency of packing.

3, When loading, the load on the bottom of the box should be balanced, especially the load center of gravity should be strictly prohibited at one end.

4, Avoid concentrated load. "If loading heavy goods such as machinery and equipment, the bottom of the box should be covered with wood and other liner materials to disperse its load as much as possible." The average safety load per unit area of the bottom of a standard contain.

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